Children Dentist Align Dental Surgery
Boy Children Dentistry Align Dental Surgery

CHILDREN’S dentistry

We are dedicated to providing quality oral care for your little ones - infants, children and adolescents, including those with special needs.

We offer a range of pediatric dental services, catered to younger patients who have specific needs as their teeth grow and develop.

Our dentists, Dr. Alexia Kwan , Dr. Priyanji De Silva and Dr. Krusha Reddy hope to create a positive dental experience for the little ones, where they are comfortable and have fun while developing strong oral habits for the rest of their life.

Children Dentist Align Dental Surgery

START THEM YOUNG, with regular dental CARE

Did you know that a child, from as young as 6 to 12 months of age can start visiting the dentist? Starting them young allows our dentists to detect, anticipate and prevent future dental problems. We will also assess your child's caries risk, evaluate their oral habits and customise a programme specific for your child.

Baby teeth Align Dental Surgery

your child’s first tooth

Your child's first tooth usually appears in the mouth by month 6. By age 3, all "milk" teeth would already be in position. As milk teeth decay very easily, good home care and parental supervision is very important.

When your child turns 6, most permanent teeth will appear. Usually the first permanent teeth to appear are the lower permanent molars. These molars emerge behind most posterior milk teeth even before your child's front teeth are replaced.

Do not worry if the new lower front teeth appear crooked as they emerge from beneath and behind the milk teeth.

Introduce your child to dentistry early to ensure a positive experience. It is also important to assess jaw development and plan for braces if needed.

First Baby Tooth Align Dental Surgery

the importance of your child’s first tooth

Many parents assume that because their children’s first set of teeth will be replaced, it is less important. However, the “milk” teeth are vulnerable to tooth decay which can lead to severe pain and infection of the underlying permanent tooth which is already in the jawbone at a very early age. In addition, if the milk teeth are lost early on, it may cause the permanent teeth to be out of alignment when they finally appear in the mouth.